The voices of change – Digicratic participation initiative
Project financed through Erasmus+ Programme
OID E10065209
Project Main Topics
Reaching the policy level/dialogue with decision makers
Democracy and inclusive democratic participation
Digital skills and competences
Thursday, 12th october 2023
Project launch event
Are you a youngster from Murfatlar city? If yes, then on thursday, 12 October 2023, at 13:00 we are inviting you at Murfatlar Cultural Center to start a new adventure about active european democratic participation.
The event purpose is to inform young people and not only about a new EU funded project which aims to promote democratic participation, awareness about importance of elections and the role of the institutions at local, national and european level.
Our guest include representatives from European Parliament Office in Romania and the mayor of Murfatlar City, the vice-mayor and some of the city council members.
From November 2023 to may 2024
Project Citizen
SPARK Youth Resource Center announces the continuation of the “Voices of Democracy – DIGIcratic Participation Initiative” Project by carrying out the “Citizen Project” activity.
20 young people from the city of Murfatlar will actively involve in identifying a local problem that requires resolution through a local public policy.
The Project Citizen will take 7 steps:
1: Identify community problems that require public policy
2: Selecting a problem to study
3: Gathering information about the selected problem
4: Developing a public policy proposal
5: Developing an action plan
6: Portfolio completion
7: Portfolio presentation
30th - 31st July 2024
Romanian Parliament Visit
On Tuesday and Thursday, 30-31 July 2024, we will be visiting the romanian Parliament, Europe House and the Palace of the Romanian President, Cotroceni Palace. We are looking for 20 young participants from Murfatlar, aged between 13-30 years old to join us in this educational visit about european democracy.
We will find out about the role of those intitutions, how people that work here are elected, what are their attributions and how can you take part in this, through a democratic involvement.
All the expenses are covered by the European Union through Erasmus+ programme.
11th to 14th august 2024
Democracy Academy
We are looking for 20 young people from Murfatlar, aged 13-30, to join us in a 4 day event in Lăzăreni, Bihor, where we will be learning about active citizen participation through some enjoyfull experiences facilitated by Experiment Teatru Clandestin.
We will be accomodated in a rural area, where we will practice role plays about public decision-making, we will have group work where we will learn about european democracy principles and many more.
All costs are covered by European Union through Erasmus+ programme.
november - december 2024
Romanian National Election - Parliament &Presidency
As you already, probably, heard, this late fall will take place the romanian elections for Romanian Parliament and the President of Romania. Be a responsible citizen and get involved!
Spark Youth Resources Center will implement an awareness activity to inform young people and adults as well about how to identify and respond to fake-news, disinformation and manipulation.
Toghether with young people from Murfatlar, we invite you to learn and share in the local community tools and informations about how to protect our democratic society inside European Union.
Training of 20 young people aged between 13-15 years in the democratic process, democratic citizenship and participation for a period of 10 months
Raising the awareness level of 10 young people between 17-30 years old on the subject of elections for the European Parliament, Local elections, Presidential and Romanian Parliament, until the end of 2024.
The development of the skills to participate in the life of the community for a number of 30 young people aged between 13 and 30 years, during 18 months.
The team prepares the project details, such as logistics, the activities, to prepare the colaboration and to initiate the core elements for the implementation.
The Project Citizen is structured as a process that contains eight clear steps and is based on the students' study of a local community problem that involves a public policy.
Local & European Parliament Elections
An exhaustive process of learning and involvment for the local youth about the importance of active participation in the democratic life of the local community.
The young people from target group are visiting the Romanian Parliament and the Palace of the President, with the purpose to learn about the role they have in the democratic context.
Empowering youth - Democracy Academy
Through applied learning format, the youth from the target group will have the opportunity to experience democratic involvement, gain tools and knowledge.
Presidential Elections
The goal of this activity is to raise awareness about the importance of the president role in a consolidated democracy, inside of the European Community.
Romanian Parliament Elections
A deepening of young people's knowledge about the role of the Romanian parliament, and the role of the decision-makers at the national level
Share results and Project Evaluation Event
Evaluation and reflection about how the project implementation, as well as dissemination and further planification for increasing the impact of the project.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them
Str. Credinței, No. 5A, Murfatlar, Constanța, Romania
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