Bringing durable energy by educating new ways of thinking
Project financed through Erasmus+ Programme
OID E10065209
Project Main Topics
and climate change
Green skills
Green transport
and mobility
Sunday, 15TH Octomber 2023
Project Start Event
We are happy to announce that on 15th Octomber 2023 will take place the inaugural event of the Erasmus+ project “Bringing durable energy by educating new ways of thinking”.
The event will take place at the Cultural Center in Bilciurești, starting from 10:30. We will present the local environment problems that lead to this project, the purpose and goals and we will end up with a calendar of the next steps. All coffee breaks and meals will be provided by us.
This project is financed by European Union funds and we are implementing it with our greek partner, Euro Education Services.
saturday, 25th November 2023
Educational workshop for Adults
Join us to learn more about sustainability in a comprehensive educational workshop about sustainability and recycling provided by Seneca Ecologos on Saturday, 25 November 2023 at 10:00 at Bechinești Sports Holl.
The aim of the workshop is to raise awareness among Finta’s adult population about improper disposal of the trash and to grow the level of knowledge about how we can recycle more efficient and how to become more sustainable.
This will be a good opportunity to meet some of the local decision makers as well, since we have them as guests.
2nd to 6th April 2024
Visit of 10 Greek adults in Finta
Starting from 2nd to 6th of April 2024, 10 adults from Katerini, Greece, that previously participated in the Katerini educational workshop will visit Finta to meet the local adult participants from the project: “Bringing durable energy by educating new ways of thinking”
It is a one of a kind opportunity for you, if you are from Finta to meet new people from across Europe and to learn about their culture, as well as to share yours. Moreover, you can discuss about sustainability problems, and about how to tackle them from different perspectives.
Local authorities will be present, therefore, this is a great chance to speak with your representatives to support your initiatives.
from 14th to 22nd June 2024
Visit of 10 Adults from Finta in Katerini
We are thrilled to announce you can apply to join a group of 10 Adults from Finta to visit Greece this summer to learn even more about sustainability and a greener european way of life.
We will visit the city of Katerini, which faces the same trash issues as it happens in Finta. After the greek adults visit in Finta, now we will collaborate to raise awareness at an international level about the european priority of sustainability. We will initiate a local ecologisation activity and will create a brochure to be distributed in the local Katerini community as it was done previously in Finta.
One more thing! You will have the opportunity to find more about the greek culture during our cultural visits, and why not, enjoy the Egean Sea.
saturday, 21 september 2024
Local greening activity in Finta
The project “Bringing durable energy by educating new ways of thinking” is advancing to it’s final stages, therefore, we should now put into practice what we had learned through our journey. We invite you on the outskirts of Finta Veche village, Saturday, 21 September 2024, at 11:00 to clean our surrounding nature.
If you want to take part in a community activity, where some of the previous participants can share their learning, we can’t wait to welcome you with all the necessary materials and some snacks and drinks during the brakes of our cleaning activity.
Increasing the competences level among 40 adults from Finta and Katerini in the field of sustainable education and green practices
Increasing the percentage of recycling in the local community by up to 10%, compared to the period before the project implementation
Increasing the competences level among the members of both partner NGOs in the field of transnational partnerships on sustainable topics
The team started to prepare the project details, such as logistics, the activities, to prepare the colaboration and to initiate the core elements for the implementation.
Educational workshop for Adults from the selected target group
The goal of the workshops is to raise awearness among the adult groups from the local communities from Finta and Katerini about the sustainability topic, as well as increasing the competences of the participants in the sustainability sector.
10 Greek Adults Mobility in Finta
10 Adults from the 20 greek participants at the previews workshop are selected to participate in a transnational visit in Finta, Romania where will interact with the romanian participants from the local community, and will learn and share good practices about the sustainability topic. Competences in this field will be gained.
10 Romanian Adults Mobility in Katerini
10 Adults from the 20 romanian participants at the previews workshops are selected to participate in a transnational visit in Katerini, Greece where will interact with the greek participants from the local community, and will learn and share good practices about the sustainability topic. Competences in this field will be gained.
5 Adults from the mobility participants will form teams with another 15 persons from their local community and will implement an greening activity, by collecting trash, doing inform campaigns with the aim of raising awearness about the sustainability priority in the european context.
Share results and Project Evaluation Event
Evaluation and reflection about how the project implementation, as well as dissemination and further planification for increasing the impact of the project.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them
Str. Credinței, No. 5A, Murfatlar, Constanța, Romania
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